From waste to 
the next generation 
of energy storage


Charging speed


Useful life


Material cost


ECOCITOR turns valueless waste materials into the next generation of energy storage. We transform waste into advanced carbon nanomaterials, which are then used to build cutting-edge energy storage devices with a charging speed up to 10 times faster and a useful life up to 5 times longer. Imagine an electric car that recharges in 5 minutes or a solar plant that never needs to replace its batteries.

What we do

We are disrupting the energy storage market:


We transform waste into quantum-altered carbon nanomaterials for energy storage.


Charge up to 10 times faster than traditional batteries. Stop waiting in line.

Long life

Useful life up to 5 times longer. Drastic maintenance cost reduction.


Enabling renewables and EVs adoption. Eliminating pollution, promoting sustainability and fighting climate change.

Advanced Solutions for energy storage

Innovation for a sustainable future.

Get in touch

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